Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A beautiful morning in May

On a warm, calm, sunny Wednesday (the 5th,) Denise, Pat, Beverly and Kris set out from the town beach about 8am. We were too late in the morning this day to see any beaver, but lots of turtles and birds. We went around the point of Lenox Hill Camp, and into the Bantam River between the camp and Point Folly, continuing all the way up the river until we hit the dam behind aerospace and had to turn around. Before getting back to the lake we turned into Butternut Brook and went a good distance up it until being forced to turn around when it got too shallow. The brook was pretty neat to kayak in - really interesting with lots of twists & turns, and narrow portions with trees hanging over the water. It seemed more quiet in the brook too, even though it's not that far from 202 it must be well insulated from the noise with the thickness of the trees & brush around. Not long before reaching the lake on the way back we had the most interesting find of the day - a green heron - pictured here at the top...none of us knew what it was, someone from White Memorial identified it for us after I sent the picture.