Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunrise 4/21/10

Wednesday, April 21, Susan, Kris, and Glenn (visiting from Florida) left from our 'usual' launch spot on the river (along Whites Woods Road) at 5:30am. We headed towards Little Pond, and had the first challenge soon as the beaver dam just past the bridge was pretty difficult to get over - it took several tries, but we did it and kept going. There was a mist over the river in a lot of places, and we saw LOTS of beavers. It was a very peaceful and pretty morning. In Little Pond, the swan was cruising around and at one point we saw him (or her) fly off in a seemingly angry chase of a couple of geese that must have been too close to the nest! On the way back down the river, Susan got out to head off to work and Kris and Glenn continued on towards the lake. Our turn-around point was the dam that is close to the entrance to the lake - the dam was so high there was no getting over it unless you wanted to get out and haul the kayak over. We hung out by the dam for a bit as there was a beaver resting on the other side (probably waiting for us to leave!) and a great blue heron not too far from there also. We saw a few deer coming to the river for a drink, as well as more mallard ducks, red-winged blackbirds, and even more beavers. A great morning - nice time for Glenn's first sunrise kayak on the Bantam River!

1 comment:

  1. great capture of the swan chase. daniel really liked it.
