Sunday, May 2, 2010

Adding to Susan's post of 'through the eyes of a 15 yr old'

Susan has already described our trip from yesterday (Saturday, May 1) with Ryan and Jacob, so I will just add a few of Ryan's photos here, and will add more to the "more photos" section of the site when I learn how! Only other thing to add to the post is about our little side trip of the river from Little Pond - it was narrow, extremely shallow and had a surprisingly strong current running through. It really was quite a bit of work to get in there, but worth it. We meandered up through more of the boardwalk area and into the golf course, passing under one of the boardwalk bridges and two bridges within the golf course. Ryan fished out about a half dozen golf balls from the bottom of the river.
All photo credits in this post go to Ryan Gannon.