Monday, September 27, 2010

under the Harvest Mooooooon

Friday, September 24th. The beautiful Harvest Moon! A small group this time, maybe 12, but a nice mix of good friends.
This is probably [one of] our last kayak trips out as the weather is changing. Kris - what are we going to do all winter???. Is there such a thing as slalom kayaking?

Launch point ~ White Woods bridge (except Kris & Lisa, who meet us at the mouth of the river)

Half way point ~ the dock at town beach

Highlights ~ 1) good food, drink and conversation with friends, 2) trekking over the beaver dam - those beaver get an A+ on dam construction - that sucker is big! Lance was our self designated DA - Dam Assistant. Without him someone would have plunged for sure, 3) paddling back up the river with only the light of the moon. Nice nice nice. Nothing better (well almost). Sweet endings. :)

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