Monday, September 27, 2010

Photo additions to Susan's 'Under the Harvest Moooon' post!

Shown here is a good portion of the group while paddling towards the sunset, on the way to the town beach where we had a picnic and watched the moon rise (which was starting to happen behind us as the photo was taken)...also a photo of the picnic on the dock - a great night!

under the Harvest Mooooooon

Friday, September 24th. The beautiful Harvest Moon! A small group this time, maybe 12, but a nice mix of good friends.
This is probably [one of] our last kayak trips out as the weather is changing. Kris - what are we going to do all winter???. Is there such a thing as slalom kayaking?

Launch point ~ White Woods bridge (except Kris & Lisa, who meet us at the mouth of the river)

Half way point ~ the dock at town beach

Highlights ~ 1) good food, drink and conversation with friends, 2) trekking over the beaver dam - those beaver get an A+ on dam construction - that sucker is big! Lance was our self designated DA - Dam Assistant. Without him someone would have plunged for sure, 3) paddling back up the river with only the light of the moon. Nice nice nice. Nothing better (well almost). Sweet endings. :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bantam Lake Sunrise Ride, August 28, 2010

A beautiful Saturday morning - launched from Litchfield Town Beach. Crew boats & fisherman were already out. Hundreds of birds were waking up by the camp and all swarming around that area - really cool! Saw the heron in these photos (or maybe they were different ones) a few times - by the camp, Point Folly, and just flying around the lake. It was a fairly short, but very peaceful morning on the lake.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Invasive weeds?

Kris and I kayaked with a group of 30+ kayakers this morning, one of White Memorial's summer programs to explore the invasive weeds of the Bantam River. We were supposed to learn about invasive weeds, but that never seemed to transpire ~ we think the guide never woke up.

So... a great morning. Highlight of the day - seeing a deer swim across the river. How do they swim with such skinny legs???

Purple loosestrife lines the shore, elegant lilies in the water. Colors are mmm mmm nice.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The swans have six babies! Kris and I were out on the water before sunrise. Really foggy this morning - it took a long time for the sun to spear through the fog. We spent quite some time watching the mama swan guide her babies across Little Pond, showing them where the good eating places were, how to hiss at bumbling kayakers... and looking elegant the whole while.

The second picture has an effect applied. I am really happy with the composition. The first rays of sunshine are just beginning to touch the swan's neck.

Every morning is spectacular (isn't that so true!). You never know what you are going to see. Almost got our heads bit off for this one, but we made it out of Little Pond without incident. Whew!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Full Moon Kayak, Friday, May 28, 2010

The full moon was actually the night before, on Thursday, but a Friday made for a better group kayak night. Nine of us (Kris, Susan B., Chrissy, Linda, Denise, Pat, Beverly, Karen, Diana)set out from the usual spot on the river at about 6:3o. It was a great ride down the river on a beautiful night. I had been watching the weather all week, and forecasts were not good, but got better as the week went along. It ended up being cloudy some of the time but overall a nice, warm, mostly clear night. The beavers were out in force and we began seeing them almost immediately upon getting on the water. As we approached and passed under Chickadee, there were lots of teenagers swimming and jumping from the bridge (including Chase, Susan's son - who jumped in from the top despite her motherly yells from the kayak telling him not to do it!) On down the river, over the beaver dam - pretty easy going towards the lake (knowing it will NOT be that easy on the way back!) After entering the lake we headed right over to the town beach to take a break, and have some snacks and beverages. It turned out to be a veritable feast with everyone bringing various treats to share. As we enjoyed the night socializing on the beach, it got even better when a couple arrived and started a bonfire for a high school party that was taking place that night. So we ate, talked, enjoyed the fire, had our group picture taken by the fire, and had a visit from another group of kayakers, Alisa and her friends who were out doing the same as us that night - saw the kayaks and came in to say hello. As dusk and dark set in, we went over towards Point Folly, enjoying the sight and smell of all the campfires from a very full campground, all there for Memorial Day wknd. As we headed back towards the river it was a bit cloudy and hard to see where the entrance was. Someone did find it though, and just as we were about to start up the river, the moon became visible as it was starting to rise, and enough of the clouds cleared for us to have a good look - it was really cool, nice & bright, 'popping up' out of the water and right on up - just like a sunrise (only far less bright!) We just sat at the mouth of the river for awhile enjoying that view, then began to head back. Knowing that the only way over the dam was getting out of the kayak and stepping on the dam to pull the kayak over...or having someone else who was standing on the dam help to pull you over...everyone began their attempts of navigating over it. This was the location of the only real mishap of the night, as one of the group tried to help another over, but ended up with someone dunked in the water (no names here!) But hey, it was all good intentioned, and luckily it was not a cold night, so she was ok. We all had a good laugh (sorry about that to the ones involved - it was easier for the others to find it funny! I'm sure we'll all eventually have our turn!) The rest of the ride up the river was great - nice night, nice company - can't wait till the next trip out!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"This is really cool as long as we don't get hit by lightning!"

Practice for the ladies full moon kayak scheduled for Friday. I will not be in Litchfield for this (sister weekend in PA - woooo hooo!), so just Kris & I head out tonight. Out on the water by 7:30 pm. It was a really steamy day and there is a threat of thunderstorms, but as we head out onto the water the sky is perfectly clear. As we head downriver toward Bantam Lake, the colors of sunset are just beginning to form on the horizon. The beaver are already awake, starting their night of activity. They are miffed at our presence.

Under Chickadee Bridge where some kids are hanging out in the heat of the evening. They wait lazily for us to paddle under, then they climb to the top of the bridge (way top) and jump. Tradition!

The dam just before the lake is a bit of a challenge for us this time but we manage to get over, knowing full well that coming back in to dark, going upriver, and back over the dam will be a challenge. Out to the lake. The sun has just set. Brilliant colors paint most everything to our right; the moon is just coming up to our left. We each get lost in the lily pads.

More journaling later Kris - have Responsibilities now... I'll save the lightening story until then... enjoy the Flower Moon of Friday! I'll text you from PA! I'll be on the water too! :)

p.s. that blob on the moon picture is a stupid mosquito! better the lens than my skin... i'll have to get my photo editors to edit him out!

This was a Great Night out! Loved it. Lightning and all!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A beautiful morning in May

On a warm, calm, sunny Wednesday (the 5th,) Denise, Pat, Beverly and Kris set out from the town beach about 8am. We were too late in the morning this day to see any beaver, but lots of turtles and birds. We went around the point of Lenox Hill Camp, and into the Bantam River between the camp and Point Folly, continuing all the way up the river until we hit the dam behind aerospace and had to turn around. Before getting back to the lake we turned into Butternut Brook and went a good distance up it until being forced to turn around when it got too shallow. The brook was pretty neat to kayak in - really interesting with lots of twists & turns, and narrow portions with trees hanging over the water. It seemed more quiet in the brook too, even though it's not that far from 202 it must be well insulated from the noise with the thickness of the trees & brush around. Not long before reaching the lake on the way back we had the most interesting find of the day - a green heron - pictured here at the top...none of us knew what it was, someone from White Memorial identified it for us after I sent the picture.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Adding to Susan's post of 'through the eyes of a 15 yr old'

Susan has already described our trip from yesterday (Saturday, May 1) with Ryan and Jacob, so I will just add a few of Ryan's photos here, and will add more to the "more photos" section of the site when I learn how! Only other thing to add to the post is about our little side trip of the river from Little Pond - it was narrow, extremely shallow and had a surprisingly strong current running through. It really was quite a bit of work to get in there, but worth it. We meandered up through more of the boardwalk area and into the golf course, passing under one of the boardwalk bridges and two bridges within the golf course. Ryan fished out about a half dozen golf balls from the bottom of the river.
All photo credits in this post go to Ryan Gannon.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

through the eyes of a 15 year old

Sightings: beaver, geese, mallard ducks, great blue heron, other birds (?)
Sunrise: 5:46 am
Temp: 58 F
Moon: waning gibbous, 3/4, setting in the west

Getting two teenagers out of bed @ 5:00 am on a Saturday morning wasn't easy, but we did it! Boats in the water around 5:30. Kris, me, Ryan, Jacob. Two moms and our two babies (sorry Ryan & Jacob - you will always be our babies!).

Getting over the first beaver dam is getting trickier these days as the water gets lower and the beaver build higher. As we make multiple attempts to navigate over the dam, numerous beaver are lazily cruising around on the far side of the dam, taking note of us, laughing at us I'm sure. Over we go, the beaver go under, on we continue. We've been out here enough to know that some of the beaver will quickly resurface behind us. I can visualize them looping and cartwheeling below me. I would love to join them.

Kris & I lag behind Jacob & Ryan as they kayak slowly up river, our Nikons at ready. We relinquish the reward of being the first in line to stir up the wildlife of dawn. Jacob is capturing the story with the Canon Powershot, Ryan his photographic consultant. see the short video ...

Out to Little Pond. One fisherman, one swan, one walker on the boardwalk. We scatter into three different directions - Ryan and Kris head up a small side stream, Jacob gets moored on a sandbar and takes advantage of the moment to capture what passes by him. I wander across the pond, chase the swan for a bit (at a distance - he's not to be messed with), and then lose myself among the water lilies.

The sun has just broken over the trees and the light is cutting into the water in such a way that you can see below the water surface. The lilies exist not just on the surface, but are a whole other piece of art below the surface too. I am privy to the World Below the Lilies. The colors are spectacular.

Here is what Jacob captured...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

full moon but no kayak :(

Full moon tonight but waaaaaaaay too cold for even the bravest of chicks. Next full moon I'll be away. Shoot for June's full moon?

Star light star bright,
first star i see tonight.
wish i may, wish i might,
grant this wish i wish tonight....don't let all the flower buds get frosted tonight!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ending the week, under the Moon

On the water after sunset...
This one isn't about the flora or fauna of White Memorial. It is about White Memorial after sunset - when the moon is up, the air is still, and you have good friends to share it with.

Greg, Kris, Glenn, Lisa, Charlie, me and our young pup representation Sam, Sean, Daniel and Michael all launch our kayaks from Litchfield Town Beach around 8:00 pm. The sun has just set and that magical time of transition from sunset to moonlight envelops us. We have just started out when the town official announces he is locking the gates in 1/2 hour. The fishermen on shore make some undertone jokes and continue to fish. They're not moving. Out we go, move all our cars to outside the gate, jump back into the kayaks, off again. We'll be lugging the kayaks a loooooooong way back to our cars. Minor pain. It's worth it.

We head northeast toward Point Folly. No real itinerary - just following our instinct. The moon is a waxing gibbous moon, straight overhead. Orion is low on the horizon in the east, the Big Dipper is straight overhead. I see a planet on the horizon in the east. Hmmm. Venus, Mars, or Saturn? I call my astronomical lifeline expert, brother Mark in New Mexico (cell phones are great!). He tells me it is Venus. "Venus will continue to be in that location for a few months" he says, "And by the way Mars and Saturn are overhead, one is in the constellation of Cancer". Sorry Mark, I'm not that good! I tell him the moon is too bright - can't find them. Love you Mark!

With Venus to our right, we continue all the way to Point Folly. Our teenagers wick themselves away from the adults like oil to water, but we keep constant count on all, reeling them back into sight every so often.

The night is getting darker, more stars are coming out. One can see pretty far - everything is a a palate of blues, grays and black, punctuated by the brilliant points of the stars, the moon, and lights from the houses on shore. The camera can not begin to capture what the eye actually sees.

And what can capture what the heart actually feels on a night like this? Ahhhhhh a great ending to a work week. Beautiful night!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunrise 4/21/10

Wednesday, April 21, Susan, Kris, and Glenn (visiting from Florida) left from our 'usual' launch spot on the river (along Whites Woods Road) at 5:30am. We headed towards Little Pond, and had the first challenge soon as the beaver dam just past the bridge was pretty difficult to get over - it took several tries, but we did it and kept going. There was a mist over the river in a lot of places, and we saw LOTS of beavers. It was a very peaceful and pretty morning. In Little Pond, the swan was cruising around and at one point we saw him (or her) fly off in a seemingly angry chase of a couple of geese that must have been too close to the nest! On the way back down the river, Susan got out to head off to work and Kris and Glenn continued on towards the lake. Our turn-around point was the dam that is close to the entrance to the lake - the dam was so high there was no getting over it unless you wanted to get out and haul the kayak over. We hung out by the dam for a bit as there was a beaver resting on the other side (probably waiting for us to leave!) and a great blue heron not too far from there also. We saw a few deer coming to the river for a drink, as well as more mallard ducks, red-winged blackbirds, and even more beavers. A great morning - nice time for Glenn's first sunrise kayak on the Bantam River!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Second sunrise

Sightings: beaver (lots of), swan, mallard ducks, geese
Sunrise: 6:02 am
Temp: 49 F
Moon: crescent, already set by sunrise

On the water...
kris - sorry to leave you in the dust. had to get to work. any exciting sightings after i left? will post pics tonight. nice morning! ....

here is my picture of the day - i like the water ring in lower left corner. the picture of the little beaver fellow that swam up to my kayak was all blurry - i got too excited!

you, me, one big lake, sunrise (and glenn who kindly took this picture - thanks glenn!).

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sister weekend

Official "Tryout for Sister Weekend" - something we have been planning to do for a long time. My sister Ellen (sister 3 of 4) came out to Litchfield on the tail of a surprise weekend, cooked up by her husband Michael. It didn't matter that it is a 7 hour drive from western NY to get here. To spend one short evening and morning before turning around to head back home. Embrace the moment, enjoy life to its fullest. No one knows what tomorrow will bring so live today like it is your last! Right Mike?
Sushi, dancing, kayaking, daffodils, great conversations. Nice!
Late Sunday morning we stopped by Kris's to borrow her two kayaks, picked up some panini from On Common Ground (plus a bottle of wine from home), and headed up to White Memorial. Launched the boats from Bissell Road bridge and headed west towards Bantam Lake. Ellen, Michael, Julek and me. I haven't kayaked during the day too much so it was interesting to see the difference in lighting and wildlife activity. Most of the wildlife you see at sunrise is sleeping or laying low now so very little action today. The water lilies are just starting to break the water surface.

We kayaked up river to Town Beach, landed, ate lunch, then returned back up the river to Bissell bridge. Our highlight of the day was a small turtle sunning himself on a log.
We did run across a pair of swans near Town Beach. I was curious if it was the same pair we always see at Little Pond.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hot Spring Day

Went out on Wednesday (April 7th) with friends Denise Butwill and Pat Donovan - we launched from the Litchfield Town Beach about 10 am. There were quite a few people putting their kayaks in the water at that time. It was an incredibly warm day for early April. I think a temperature record was set before the end of the day - about 90 degrees! We went from the beach into the Bantam River. The beaver dam that's not too far from the mouth of the river was almost entirely under water because of all the recent rain. There have been times where we've had to get out of the kayaks and haul them over the dam - but on this day it was effortless to paddle right over. We saw lots of birds, a turtle hanging out on a log, and most interesting, a goose of some sort (maybe someone can identify once I get the picture up!) that was very content sitting in the sun on top of a beaver's lodge...and yes I looked up online what a beaver's house is called - it is a lodge!
We had a very pleasant paddle up the river, continuing under Chickadee Bridge and to the spot along Whites Woods Road where we often launch. At that point we debated turning around, but Pat said "let's at least get to Little Pond" and Kris said "the way back will be easier because we'll be going with the current." So, on up the river, under Sutton Bridge, into Little Pond - saw a great blue heron in the area of Little Pond, and the white swan that seems to always be there too. Very peaceful and hot at this point - a couple was fishing from Sutton Bridge and a few people were walking around the boardwalk. After relaxing a bit there, we started to head back, ready for our nice easy ride with the current carrying us. However - did not quite work out that way - as we began, the wind really picked up, and we had to work hard to paddle against the wind! We did have some breaks from that with certain turns in the river that got us out of the wind, but for the most part, it was quite an arm workout to paddle against the wind. The goose was still in the same spot on the lodge when we went back, and we also saw a beaver swimming around - which we thought was pretty unusual for that time of day - it was around noon, when they are usually sleeping. As we got back into the lake the wind was pretty strong and there were waves on the water to paddle against - got back to the beach around 1:00, tired but very happy with the ride and the weather, and wishing we had thought ahead to pack a picnic lunch to have at the beach - hopefully next time we'll remember to do that. Can't wait to go again!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

First day out!

Sightings: beaver, geese, mallard ducks, great blue heron, cardinal, chickadee. Heard turkeys.
Sunrise: 6:30 am
Temp: 45 F
Moon: 3/4 moon, setting in the south.

We are both excited to get the kayaks out. When I leave the house at 5:40 am, the moon is still out, and I've only had a few hours sleep. I'm wondering if this was a good idea.
I meet Kris at our common meeting point - by the bridge just after Bissell Road. I'm late, Kris is on time. Normal! We put our kayaks in, both promising each other that if one of us flips our boat, we will not be declared a wuss and can go home. It's cold.

We head east, towards the sunrise. The water is really high after the flooding rains of last week which makes navigation easy for us. No weeds, dams or logs to maneuver around. Nice. We head up the Bantam River towards Little Pond, stirring up a few beaver, ducks, geese along the way. The world around us is a mix of orange, red and yellow, muted sweetly with fog coming off the water.

Under the Little Pond trail bridge, under the boardwalk bridge and into Little Pond. The sun is just coming up. One lonely photographer is on the boardwalk with his tripod, watching the changing light I'm sure.

Kris and I spot a swan and track him for maybe five minutes. His wings are posed in such a way that you can almost visualize sitting on his back like one of those swan boat rides you see in amusement parks. He is majestically white, looking mighty strong. We grant him plenty of personal space. This is our halfway point, so we turn back down the river.

Almost at our endpoint Kris spots a very small beaver working dilagently on a dam. He looks very young and is oblivious to our approach, like a young child engrossed in play. He finally notices us and quietly slips under the water, but without the trademark tail-slap of his elders.